Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Moving Day

This is a long chapter all about the move but first, it's Blair's birthday!

Wanda Connor, Lynn Alto, Sam Sametko, Yumi (Bitch just keeps popping up on me!), Davy Linnel (the amazing baby sitter), and...Sarah Something? I don't know.

And of course the family.

I really Loled at Blair's face here and had to show it.

Like predicted, Blair turned out horrible looking. I wrote down her traits but stupid me, my phone which it is in is in my room and I am in the living room. Off the top of my head she is Virtuoso, Friendly...and that's all I remember. I'll have all the traits on heir vote I promise!

But I plan on her becoming a Rockstar, even though she doesn't look attractive that never stopped anyone from making good music.

And she got to level four right off the bat so it'll make this process much easier.

Enough of Blair now! On to the move.

The rooms of the old house were cleared...

And it left Quinn alone in the room where everything had started.

Aww sad moment.

So I guess I should explain why I had the Pigeon's take flight to a new home.

There wasn't enough room for everyone, the kitchen was too small and everyone kept running into each other in the bathroom and I couldn't really add on. The plot was too small and the way I added the new houses there just wasn't room.

I planned to take a already made house but none really had what I wanted so I took the Legacy Challenge plot and built on it like I probably should have had in the beginning.

I completely made this house and the design and I've never been more proud of a place. Now, let's take a look at the new and official Pigeon residence.

Exterior. I didn't like the red bricks but I couldn't find anything I liked. And its a little smaller at the edge, there was a lot of space so I compacted a bit.


Cute living room. They got a fireplace and a flat screen and a gaming system. Everyone's happy.

The bar, I had no idea what to do to fill up space so I bought a bar. Might come in handy when I get Late Night :)

Most beautiful kitchen ever. I'm jealous. I want it. Had room for everything they needed and more. And no more bumping into people.

Hallway. I didn't know there were ceilings! Really exciting to find that out.

Dining Room.

Study/Art Room

Work out room.

Boys room: Roman's side first

And this is Marvel's side.


Girl's room:
Blair's side

Pandora's side. I now note that...Pandora never had a birthday. Why was that skipped?
Who knows. At the end I will put a picture of her.

Marty and Quinn's bedroom.

Dining room.

The two upstairs bathrooms.

And outside

I will pitch a fit if anyone asks to buy anything else this house is so fully furnished.

And as promised, Pandora as a child;

She looks like Blair but some how she doesn't. I guess will figure that out when she becomes a teen.

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