"Oh, haha! What a surprise. You've just caught me reading up about my logical skills."
Wow. You're ridiculous. I'm really thinking of making this so you can't do any commentary.
"Well then little voice over the intercom inside my head, you would have no fans."
I'd like to test that theory.
"You're so funny. Anywho, lets talk about my life. Things are hoppin!"
You passed your entrance exams and now you're working at the hospital. I think that about covers it.
"But we got to talk about life at the hospital! I'm meeting so many people and after my first day they realized I needed more responsibility. Promoted. Day one. I. Am. Spectacular."
Yeah, yeah, you're a bright shiny star.
"It is his one flaw. But take a moment and look at those biceps. Deee-licous."
Sure, for a animated person, his biceps are great.
"You just don't understand Marty's greatness. He's takin me out tonight."
For some hamburgers?
"No, to the beach. He says he got a suhprise for me."
I bet its the news of his second child.
"That's not funny."
"What do you mean? I am a model here."
You have that 'I'm too good to smile' look on your face. Hand on hip. It's a sad attempt.
"You just have horrible taste."
"Shut up, it was unleveled sand. And I was in heels."
Even in heels your barely reach anywhere on the tall meter. Someone shrunk Marty.
"Quit your yappin, something important is about to happen."
I think we all know where this is going...
Like OMG we're all so shocked. Never thought this was going to happen, on a beach when the two of you are all up in your formal gear. Nuh-uh no way.

Marty: I love you so much, Quinn!
Quinn: Like oh plumbob this has got to be worth millions 8D
"No! Just admiring how much he loves me."
A good way of showing that is hugging the man who just proposed to you.
"I did...just after I was done figuring out how much the ring cost..."
I'm ending a shot with by far the most amazing babysiter I have ever had while playing the Sims 3. He's super attentive and loves playing with Marvel while Quinn and Marty are away. Now, insert head smack on keyboard because I forgot my most beloved's name.
But you'll be seeing a lot more of him around cuz i luv him that much.
And BTW, i'm gonna do my best to do longer chapters. I've realized I probably don't engage you all long enough.
Now, Quinn and I bid you ado!
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