Previously stated this chapter is all about Marty's first born Marvel. I don't know how/why it happened but I have a lot of pictures all about Marvel. So we're gonna step into the day in the life of Marvel, with him actually here to commentate!
Marvel are you there?
"Oh wow. That letter was serious."
Yes. Now, let's get on with your update.
First up? Marvel's birthday party!
Just a tad confused. This is an update about you though...I don't see you in this photo. Shouldn't you be in every shot?
"...I really don't know lady."
So you don't feel jealousy about how the other kids are up for heir and get most of the camera time?
"Not really?"
You're unsure because you're hurt. I understand, Marvel. But don't feel bad, we all love you. >.>
So for Marvel's birthday into pimples, heart break, driving and the pressures of highschool they all went down to the public pool for a little bash.
Guests included -
Sam Sekemeto
The Amazing Babysiter
The Amazing Babysiter
Anne or Maya or Grace Alto (I'll confirm this later)
Justine Keaton
Roman, Step-Mom Quinn and little sister Blair
And that random big guy who I don't even think we knew.
Were you happy with all your guests?
"Yeah. It was a nice shin dig."
Were you okay with your mother being there? What about how your father couldn't make it?
"Yes? I love my mother. And dad had to work, it wasn't a big deal."
Who made the cake?
"Who knows, probably Quinn."
Didn't you use to call Quinn 'Mommy'?
"For heavens sake."
"I think it's all that bread and jam you made me eat every day for the past sixteen years."
Oh on the contrary! It's a proven fact that if you eat the quick meals you don't gain weight. This one is all on you butterball.

Neither one of them had a problem with this situation.
Marvel, is there something I've been missing?
"You know darn well enough--"
I know...I just didn't want to make it seem like I never tried to help you.
Not. So. Pretty.
And that is actually girl's hair but somehow it made him look somewhat...normal. It's unfortunate how much of Marty's child he is and you can see it all in that picture. He's got those stupid small eyes and the chicken footed nose.
Marvel are you teased at school for your looks?
"No...never. Why?"
Well I guess in the topic of townies you do look like a regular...
For Marvel's birthday we spent a little extra and got him a motorcycle. He got the daredevil trait so it was kind of perfect. He also got a job as a Grocery Clerk down at the store so he'll be able to pay for all his gas and things now.
Remember that Grace/Annie/Amy/Lane Alto girl at his birthday party? Well she aged up later that night after hanging at the pool and she came over for a visit. Now I know I made a stupid mistake marrying Marty with his horrible townie jeans but...what does Marvel have to loose? And he's not up for heir so he should just do what his heart wants.
Would you say you love, Marvel?
"Yeah, I guess you can say that."
Do you see her as more of a mother figure? Seeing as you didn't grow up with your own?
I guess he really left...anyways. This butterball took it to immediate action to get rid of that fat. And just for safe measure, Roman started working out because I was afraid he'd grow up a chubbler too.
Now this ends the Marvel chapter, very long, gave you all you wanted to know about that unfortunate looking guy and more. Stay tuned for the ending of a generation!
OO! And I remembered the Alto girl's name. Lynn. Problem solved.
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