Welcome! You've reached the first installment of the Pigeon Legacy where you get to sit back, relax and watch our little birdy spread her wings and fly. Maybe poop on someones head.
"Why in the world would I do that?"
Her lovely parents signed a contract at birth that after she turned 18 she would partake in an experiment to see if she could properly carry on her line and make sure her children do the same.
With out further ado, let's meet our founder!
This is Quinn Pigeon, she's 5 foot 2 and wants to dance with you.
"Stop quoting rap songs. And I don't dance....unless its on top of tables and I've had a little bit too much."
Why are you lying? I don't have Late Night and that is impossible for you to do.
"Well I'd like too, so hurry up and go get it. I would also like to become a celebrity. Maybe a vampire one."
You? A celebrity? Maybe D List.
"You just like to crush my dreams."
Traits: Family-Orientated, Flirty, Workaholic, Clumsy and Lucky
Favorites: Pop music, Sushi and the color Lime Green
Life Time Wish: World-Renown Surgeon
The above picture is of our little pigeon studying for her exams to become a intern at the hospital. But that won't be for awhile so I made her go get a part time job.
I agree. Now, Quinn got a job--
"I got a job at the Spa as a receptionist. I happen to be the best, prettiest, smartest, funniest girl ever and they hired me right on the spot."
Crazy, that never happens...
"Whatever, and after that I decided to walk around town because whats a sim to do if they don't have friends? That's where I met Molly French."

"She was a little off the wall but I can tell, when the clubs open up around here she'll be the best to go out with."
You're just as weird as she is. I've actually studied the French's and Molly is just as normal as anyone. Stop trying to make your self seem better.
"But I am. ANYWAYS, after hanging with Holly a bit--"
"Sure. I was scoping the town and from across the public pool I saw him. He was dangerously tall, tan, and he was the one sim I had ever seen that was dressed like a normal person. I had to meet him."
"It's a long story, I went up to him and introduced myself, his name was Marty Keaton and we were talking and then he just ran off. So I followed. He just had to puke."
He had to puke after meeting you?
"...I mean...I guess that's how you can put it."
"Anywho, we hung out in the bathroom and really got to know each other. He's so pretty. I want to marry him and have his babies."
You might want to slow down. You just met him. And didn't he say he was married...?
"Well...yes. But that doesn't matter. I saw him first."
I highly doubt that.
Stay tuned to see how her first day at the Spa went and if Quinn can successfully get her talon's into Marty.
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