Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Bump In The Road

So I thought we'd do a little tour of the new house, it's not the permanent residence for the Pigeon's but they need a home until I can find/build a new one.

Dining room, can't even seat them all.

We're back to the tiniest kitchen ever, strongly resembles the first Pigeon household's kitchen.

Downstairs bathroom/laundry room.

Living room. No one even comes in here.

Second story bathroom, the girls and Lake share this one.

Girl's bedroom. Three beds.

Lake's room, I also got him a piano to start jammin on.

Jada's room/art room.

Roman and Lee's room.

End of tour, now lets get back to the Pigeon's.

It was time for Jada to grow up and join the other little birds.

So her traits are now Good, Virtuoso and Kleptomaniac.


Now Hanni has been keeping a secret and it's finally starting to show...

The kids decided to explore the city, Lake found a new friend named Grant Burn who loves to play the guitar and after hearing that Lake plays the piano decided that they should start a band soon.

And Vixen found a mysterious man with a pretty smile. He's an artist and only likes alternative bands. Vixen found herself an urban guy.

But Hanni had no urge to go walk about the town with an extra twenty pounds around her middle. She's all sad. I would be too if I was pregnant with a guys baby who didn't even call me anymore.

I think we all saw that coming, but poor little Hanni has to figure out how to tell the family and raise this new little one on her own.

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