Months had passed. Lee was a-wall and Roman had mixed feelings about it. He missed his best friend but the distance wasn't too bad. It let him forget for a little while.
It was a day unlike any other, Romy was playing guitar in his room, his father was wandering the house, his sisters at school, his mom at work.
The door opened and he assumed it was his dad wanting to listen to him play, but the footsteps were lighter and there was a sweet perfume filling the room.
He turned around to see Lee, and my had she grown up.
After hugging and their hellos they went out to the bar. It was silent until the drinks started to set in.
(It angers me that Sims can't get drunk ):<)
There were moments of laughter but that died done as Lee talked about what had happened with her since they last talked. She had a boyfriend named Darin, her sister finally had her baby and was kicking her out for the room.
Roman immediately asked for her to move in. And she accepted.
And the serious and laughter went out the window, replaced with the feelings that had been pushed back for what seemed like forever for the bother of them.
Roman made many more drinks as daylight broke Lee found that she couldn't possibly make it up the stairs by herself. Roman picked her up and they headed up to Lee's new room.
"Stay with me."
I think this part just has to be serious. Funny will be back, I swear! Don't give up!
Oh dear... I don't think Lee's boyfriend will be happy! I wonder what's going to happen next :)